Saturday, June 09, 2007

New Jeep

Mom and dad got me a new Jeep today. I don't know what the big deal is, it looks the same to me, with a few minor differences. Okay, I have to admit I like the sun roof, and I like that the seats are roomier and on less of an angle so I can stand easier.

The colour is different and well it DOES match my Soggy Dog better. .

They had me inspect it and I approved it, as long as they keep driving me to parks and beaches anything will do

I took a photo of our old Jeep from the new Jeep. Bye bye old Jeep!

1 comment:

Chef said...

You sure are a handsome Boxer. Know what? So am I !! Come see me at my blog: My daddy got a new pick-up !! Love, Chef